Why Test & Tag?
Testing and Tagging will drastically reduce the chances of a costly electrical incident & ensure that you will not be liable for any damages as you have taken a pro-active approach to electrical safety.
How we can help!
At Ultraflex we take care of all your Test & Tag requirements on site. Using the latest tester from Metrel which meets the Electrical Safety Standards of AS/NZS 3760:2010 and AS/NZS 3012:2010 providing a report for reference and Health & Safety compliance. With a full electronic asset data base you are able to see exactly where your equipment sits.
Testing for a Class 1 appliance (3 pin plug with earth) includes; Visual inspection, Earth continuity, Insulation test, & Polarity test.
Testing for Class 2 appliances (double insulated) include; Visual inspection, Isolation between 230v side & metal parts. Isolation between 230v side and low voltage side for plug-pack & USB type equipment.
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All workplaces must ensure their electrical appliances and tools are tested and tagged for safety compliance as failure to do so may be seen as negligence on the part of the employer as they did not take all practicable steps possible to ensure safety in the case of a serious incident occurring.
Testing and tagging electrical appliances is one useful way to check electrical equipment is safe. It’s not mandatory but what is legally required is that equipment is electrically safe and maintained in a safe condition.
Electricity (Safety) Regulations 2010, regulation (26) states one way to verify the safety of appliances that owners make available to their employees, contractors or are hired out, is to have the appliances tested and tagged in accordance with standard AS/NZS 3760.
Testing and tagging doesn’t guarantee future electrical safety, what it does is provide a snapshot of how safe the appliance is at the time of testing.
It is up to the person conducting the business or undertaking to decide whether to test and tag.
See Worksafe New Zealand’s website article ‘Testing & Tagging Electrical Appliances‘ for further information on the requirements for your business.
Testing Intervals
Testing frequency depends on the environment the equipment is used in or situated in
Hire Equipment, Building & Construction Sites are 3 Monthly
Factories & Workshops are 6 Monthly
Hostile environments or where the cord can be subject to flexing is 12 Monthly
Residential areas such as Hotels, Motels, Hostels are 2 Yearly
Any repaired or second hand equipment is required before use